About Us |

Our path has brought us here ... to this place, and time, and to this idea for how we want to spend our lives ...
By way of introduction, we are Jim and Corli. This site, and all that follows it along our path, has become our passion. We hope that this "Metaphysical Marketplace" is someplace that will make you feel at home. Our goal is to place metaphysical tools and information into the hands of those who also have a path to follow, in the hope that it will help you along your way.
A Little History ...
We began business on the internet in 1996 as "Enigma Creations", a small software company. Our products began in technical markets with network management software. We needed to branch away from software in order to continue to follow our interests. The Resonant Energies domain was born in 2006 to accomplish that goal. The company name of "Enigma Creations" will persist as the parent of Resonant Energies. After all, it is a family business name, and frankly, we still really like it. Our hand-made items are considered to bear the Enigma Creations name and be sold under the umbrella of Resonant Energies along with the items we receive from other providers.
By way of introduction, we are Jim and Corli. This site, and all that follows it along our path, has become our passion. We hope that this "Metaphysical Marketplace" is someplace that will make you feel at home. Our goal is to place metaphysical tools and information into the hands of those who also have a path to follow, in the hope that it will help you along your way.
A Little History ...
We began business on the internet in 1996 as "Enigma Creations", a small software company. Our products began in technical markets with network management software. We needed to branch away from software in order to continue to follow our interests. The Resonant Energies domain was born in 2006 to accomplish that goal. The company name of "Enigma Creations" will persist as the parent of Resonant Energies. After all, it is a family business name, and frankly, we still really like it. Our hand-made items are considered to bear the Enigma Creations name and be sold under the umbrella of Resonant Energies along with the items we receive from other providers.

Why "Resonant Energies"?
The universe, that mystical world of wonder that is the net result of all of our thoughts, is made entirely of energy. Regardless of how you break down and examine solid matter, what you eventually find is that solid matter is only an illusion. Ultimately, there is only energy and one of the primary characteristics of energy is "resonance". All energy has frequencies of vibration that set one type of energy apart from another. Energies with similar frequencies tend to "resonate" harmonically and synchronize together, thus combining forces into a stronger union. In a more macro sense, this entire principle also describes a meeting of like minds. Thought is energy. "Like attracts Like ..." as they say. Thus "Resonant Energies" describes a meeting of like thoughts or like minded people.
On a more personal level, it also describes the meeting of an individual with tools or ideas that are most compatible with who they are. This can be demonstrated by shopping for products through the use of photographs and descriptions. Your subconscious mind has access to all knowledge. When you shop for a crystal tool or other item you need, it is not necessary to have the actual item in your hand in order to find the "right" one. Your subconscious knows the history and characteristics of an item accurately, even from a photograph. It lets you know what is right through "resonance". The right item will "resonate" with you in a detectable way, even from looking at photographs. Therefore, visiting our site or shopping in our store can be described as looking for "Resonant Energies". It is this multi-level meaning that appeals to us most in naming our site Resonant Energies. We hope you feel that multi-level connection as you visit our site.
Stay, Relax, Enjoy ...
Again we would like to extend a warm welcome to you and we hope that you find something here that resonates with you whether it is information or products.
The universe, that mystical world of wonder that is the net result of all of our thoughts, is made entirely of energy. Regardless of how you break down and examine solid matter, what you eventually find is that solid matter is only an illusion. Ultimately, there is only energy and one of the primary characteristics of energy is "resonance". All energy has frequencies of vibration that set one type of energy apart from another. Energies with similar frequencies tend to "resonate" harmonically and synchronize together, thus combining forces into a stronger union. In a more macro sense, this entire principle also describes a meeting of like minds. Thought is energy. "Like attracts Like ..." as they say. Thus "Resonant Energies" describes a meeting of like thoughts or like minded people.
On a more personal level, it also describes the meeting of an individual with tools or ideas that are most compatible with who they are. This can be demonstrated by shopping for products through the use of photographs and descriptions. Your subconscious mind has access to all knowledge. When you shop for a crystal tool or other item you need, it is not necessary to have the actual item in your hand in order to find the "right" one. Your subconscious knows the history and characteristics of an item accurately, even from a photograph. It lets you know what is right through "resonance". The right item will "resonate" with you in a detectable way, even from looking at photographs. Therefore, visiting our site or shopping in our store can be described as looking for "Resonant Energies". It is this multi-level meaning that appeals to us most in naming our site Resonant Energies. We hope you feel that multi-level connection as you visit our site.
Stay, Relax, Enjoy ...
Again we would like to extend a warm welcome to you and we hope that you find something here that resonates with you whether it is information or products.